Monoova launches PayTo Education Campaign

November 15, 2021

Monoova launches PayTo Education Campaign

Australia’s leading business payment solutions provider, Monoova, launches its PayTo campaign today.

PayTo is a new,advanced evolution of direct debit. It will be a streamlined digital way for merchants and businesses to initiate real-time payments from their customers’ bank accounts.

Powered throughMonoova’s proprietary technology, PayTo will offer a large range of benefits tobusinesses all over Australia and will help to enhance their customers’experience, giving them a lot more control.

Commenting on PayTo, Monoova’s Chief Executive Officer, Christian Westerlind Wigstrom said, “In a few years, PayTo willbe the only type of payment in our everyday lives. Gone are cards, banktransfers and BPAYs. Businesses that don’t accept PayTo will look like companies only accepting cheques today: complicated and antiquated. And withgood reason: PayTo will be cheaper, faster and safer for both businesses and consumers for almost all use cases. We will miss today’s payments systems asmuch as we miss toothaches.”

Monoova are pioneers in the payments industry, introducingmany first-to-market solutions such as Automatcher - a powerful solution thatenables businesses to reconcile their payments instantly and automatically.

“Our vision at Monoova is to continue to help evolve thefinancial services and payment space in this market and around the world. PayTowill be another powerful solution in our suite of payment offerings opening upa myriad of value-adding automation options for businesses and allowing us topower the payments of many of the world’s largest brands.”continues Christian.

The campaign is primarily focused on creating awareness ofPayTo to the market and educating audiences of the benefits of PayTo to bothbusinesses and consumers. Senior Brand & Marketing Manager at Monoova, BenCrosariol, said “We are rolling our a series of events, webinars, customerfacing education content, advertising and more to empower target audiences sothey are fully aware of what PayTo is, the benefits to them and Monoova’s PayTooffering powered by our exclusive payment platform and local support”.

Since its launch in 2017, then known asMoneytech Payments, Monoova has processed more than $32 billion in businesspayments on behalf of its growing clientele of companies including Wise,Instarem, Jacaranda Finance and Splitit.


About Monoova 

Monoova supports organisations with large transactionflows to fully automate how they receive, manage and pay their funds. Itsproprietary real-time, secure platform allows businesses to access a variety ofpayments functions including NPP, comprehensive automatic reconciliation and easy-to-accessreporting so they can secure and stay in control of their payment ecosystem.